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  • Writer's pictureMary Jensen

A Mother's Worst Fear

Updated: Aug 28, 2019

Erik was only twenty, a life just begun.

He loved his family, his friends, and having fun.

He was not perfect, but none of us are.

He found independence, buying his first car.

Erik had plans and dreams, like most young men.

He shared them with me, again and again.

One fateful day, a mother's worst fear.

On the phone his friend screamed, "QUICK, COME HERE!"

I arrived at the scene, Erik's car crushed and shattered.

Breathless and scared, my mind was scattered.

Blue and red lights flashed, chaos all around.

His friend stood alone, not making a sound.

Unable to speak, with tears in his eyes.

I held his friend tight, thinking this must be a lie.

Medics could not save Erik, no matter how hard they tried.

Gone in an instant, my son tragically died.

I was there for his first breath, now here for his last.

My heart smashed in pieces, his life in my mind flashed.

Erik had beautiful smile and an infectious laugh.

Now there's just silence, and memories of the past.

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